Here is your freshly baked Christmas Movie Bingo card!

Either print this out or click on the squares!

Hero has special relationship with niece/nephewA Christmas decoration that is inadvertently terrifyingMain character goes to a coffee shopYour Christmas movie bingo opponent disagrees with one of your matches!Annoying modern version of classic Christmas carol
Let's work on a crafting project!Someone wears plaid!Visit to the Christmas festivalImprobably artistic ice sculptures!The fabled baking montage!
Bells a'ringing!Christmas jumpersFreeMain characters don’t like each other at firstSoon-to-be-rejected love interest clearly way too into money!
Someone given a gift they can't open until after someone has left townLocal guy in small town is also a firemanTwo characters argue over purchase of hard-to-get item in the storeMale lead amused by how uptight the female lead isLet’s go Christmas tree shopping!
Main character lives in shadow of parent/older siblingMain character wears Christmas-themed clothes even at workSnow globe!Main character single-shamedDrawing by little kid changes someone's mind/melts their heart

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