Either print this out or click on the squares!
Flirty snowball fight | Christmas jumpers | The toy little Johnny has his heart set on is sold out! | Lead’s romantic interest is high school sweetheart | Big inflatable Christmas decoration |
Help! I'm stuck in a small town against my will! | A life-changing job promotion is at stake! | Female lead wears a truly enormous scarf | Lots and lots of cut-out snowflakes | Main character is highly stressed over something really minor |
Someone waits for someone on a porch/stoop | Yikes! We need to plan a huge event in an unrealistically short time period! | Free | Character who can't sing but still loves singing carols | Main character has to leave abruptly to catch a cab/bus/train/plane |
Someone overhears something--and misunderstands/ overreacts! | Wrapping gifts | Wacky best friend gives well-timed advice | Someone given a gift they can't open until after someone has left town | A bunch of improbably well-crafted snowmen on display |
Someone hates Christmas!? | Local guy in small town is also a fireman | An inadvertently suggestive Christmas ornament | Lead character is a workaholic | Someone brings Christmas treats to work |