Here is your freshly baked Christmas Movie Bingo card!

Either print this out or click on the squares!

Flirty snowball fightChristmas jumpersThe toy little Johnny has his heart set on is sold out!Lead’s romantic interest is high school sweetheartBig inflatable Christmas decoration
Help! I'm stuck in a small town against my will!A life-changing job promotion is at stake!Female lead wears a truly enormous scarfLots and lots of cut-out snowflakesMain character is highly stressed over something really minor
Someone waits for someone on a porch/stoopYikes! We need to plan a huge event in an unrealistically short time period!FreeCharacter who can't sing but still loves singing carolsMain character has to leave abruptly to catch a cab/bus/train/plane
Someone overhears something--and misunderstands/ overreacts!Wrapping giftsWacky best friend gives well-timed adviceSomeone given a gift they can't open until after someone has left townA bunch of improbably well-crafted snowmen on display
Someone hates Christmas!?Local guy in small town is also a firemanAn inadvertently suggestive Christmas ornamentLead character is a workaholicSomeone brings Christmas treats to work

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